Download our free portfolio tracker to gain insight in your portfolio.
Portfolio tracker
Track all your crypto tokens using our free portfolio tracker.
Use our portfolio tracker to keep track of all your tokens, whether they are on an exchange, in your wallet or written down. The app is free to use and registration only takes a few seconds. See how your portfolio is doing in realtime.
Blunded decentralised tradeplatform
Easily trade over 2000 tokens using our tradeplatform.
On our tradeplatform you can easily connect your wallet to buy & sell tokens on the ethereum-, polygon- and binance-chain. By using the blunded tradeplatform you get access to numerous tokens available on these chains. Most of these tokens are not (yet) tradable on central exchanges like binance or coinbase.
A portfolio tracker keeps track of all your tokens without having to access them. To see how you are doing monthly, weekly, daily or even hourly you just have to open your blunded portfolio tracker.
Overview in just 1 click.
Easy to use.
Live up to date crypto prices
Adjust the period to see performance and prices over time.
Get information on your portfolio spread and performance.
Adds up all you tokens, from different wallets and accounts.